Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thumbs up for STARS

Here is a really class band from Montreal.


I think they're from Montreal. Maybe they're blow-ins like me. I'm nearly sure they are. They're from Ontario, or something. Youse are on the internet, go and fucking check it out for yourselves, you lazy cunts.

Anyhow, they're dead good, they're fuckin' poptastic. Three hundred and fourteen thumbs up.

Speaking of thumbs up, there's this Indian fizzy pop drink called "Thums Up!". See that, they left the "b" out of thumbs. There's a picture of a "thumbs up" on the bottle, so I'm pretty sure it's the same idea as "thumbs up", just spelled differently. I reckon it's pronounced "tums up" though. Maybe that's how Indians would say "thumbs up" anyway. Tums up! I will ask your man next time I see him, and fucking probe him at length about what exactly is meant by "Thums Up!". Why is there no b? Why? He's a nice fella.

I've never tasted "Thums Up!'. I doubt I ever will. 

1 comment:

  1. STARS are ace man, you're lucky you saw them, I've listened to them on and off for a while now but they're always a treat for the ears with positive vibes too. Really enjoying your blog too dude, damn good read,

    two thums up!
