Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Precocious wee big man

I'll relate a wee story that I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Many years ago it happened. 14 short years ago... Fuck me, where does time go? So fast, so fast it goes. 

And so it goes.

So 14 years ago, I was at school, and this one day in question was a Friday. 

On Friday morning we had HE, first thing. We sat at square desks with wee high stools, four stools around the desk. The desk had a sink in the middle. 

We sat 4 of us at the desk, and we were chatting to each other whilst washing dishes or something. I can't remember what we were talking about, but for some reason one of the boys at the desk (call him boy A) was telling of how his parents were continually fighting, and how annoying this was. 

I made sympathetic noises and commiserated. Another boy (B), whose parents were split up, leaned over and said "Aye, that's how it fucking starts. Fighting, arguing, all that shite... then they fucking divorce! I should know."

I made sympathetic noises and commiserated. But boy A didn't.  He grabbed the edge of the desk with both hands and roared "MY PARENTS LOVE EACH OTHER!'.

This has always remained with me.

PS- Happily, boy A was right. His parents continue to love each other and are still happily married at the time of writing. 

PPS- I was the precocious wee big man, if you're wondering. I continue to make sympathetic noises and commiserate, often several times daily.

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